onLoad = function () {
youRedTheWholeDamnThing = false;
var myMusic = new Sound();
myMusic.attachSound("Anything_by_KCand JoJo");
youAre.yourText.text = "";
you_are = person;
i_am = person;
trace("Try not to read this");
my name is emir ciftci and i'm a random person WTF IS LLAMA? llama for what? llama for poor people? llama to feed homeless people? helpless kids? dogs? anyway i like to fuck and smoke camel soft instead of to fuck and drink coffee but i like to drink coffee too. If i ever come back to life again i would barely change my name to emir camel like mustapha camel. But it doesn't mean that i'm allready dead because BECAUSE i'm typing this at the mo. - ment. I have thought about emir soft or emir box too but the first one sounds too gay and the second one's way too edgy for me so i have changed my mind (here brackets goes) (full stop)
indent - (with LOWERCASE ofcourse) this is some complicated stuff (with russian accent). DO not try to understand it. If you allready did or allready knew what the hell am i talking about, i love you and i want to marry with you. BUT(t)
function BUT(t) {
if (you_are == man or you_are == boy or you_are == kitten){
else if (you_are == woman or you_are == lesbian){ art(0,69);
if (i_am == rejected or youAre.yourText.text == "what the fuck is this shit?"){
// end function
life is fun like driving a mustang without any seat cover. and i knew what a seat cover is plus i could explain that without typing brackets or capital letters. yeah life is fun. suck it.
you have wasted one minnute of your life ifYouRedTheWholeDamn(Thing);
function ifYouRedTheWholeDamn(Thing) {
if (youRedTheWholeDamnThing == true){
trace(" you have wasted one minute of your life, and i have wasted two of mine but that's fine and fun 'cause life is fun! ");
} else {
// the end